The reason why these stores exist and thrive is the same reason a woman can buy a designer handbag at a discounted price. It's a function of supply and demand. Not all of the tod's scarpe italy current season's handbags, shoes, suits or other items will sell at the authorized reseller's stores, so they will have to find a way of moving them to make room for next season's styles.
Buyers for retailers need to place their orders for the new styles months before they are produced and shipped. Buyers typically see a few items from the proposed new line and make buying decisions based on those samples. How many of what style and color will they sell? They can make an tods outlet educated guess but really can't be sure. Maybe another designer will be hot in the fall and certain handbags will sit on the shelves, with a $1200 price tag no less. So what happens when all the bags don't sell and the next new line is ready to be put on the shelves?
This is expensive inventory and can't be simply thrown away, and they can't sit in the warehouse either. The designer certainly isn't taking them back. These bags must be sold to companies that make their living finding markets for overstock merchandise. This process takes place tod's italy online several times a year, in every city in the world creating a huge opportunity for all types of goods including designer handbags. And the U.S. is still the biggest consumer market in the world, especially for high priced items like designer handbags. Tod's Gommino Women shoes
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