Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to Think Faster Because It Isn That Simple! coach outlet online

How to Think Faster Because It Isn That Simple!

Ever wondered how coffee drives your brain into action ?and where we be without it? There no doubt that when it time to think fast ?we humans regularly reach for teroids? Our instinct is to SHAKE AWAKE the neuro peptides in our cerebral cortex ?and get them dancing in a polka frenzy.

Imagine a billion steroidal peptides (neuro-chemicals) madly hopping and skipping coach shoes, doing cartwheels and running at top sprint, zooming up and down the lane ways and highways of the nervous system, never pausing for breath ?until sadly, exhaustion kicks in.

That when you hear the z - dozing? after that coffee high. The peptides snoring by the side of the synapses and the adrenals flapping nervously in the breeze after an overdose of adrenalin.

Coffee is good for a fast laugh ?if you need to get high for a short burst without being illegal, it does the trick. Thinking in a straight line becomes as easy as a tight rope walker suddenly having to do it back on the ground. No longer are there vague meanderings of mysticism or attempts at profundity ?conclusions are an open and shut case ?simple, concise and unchallengeable.

It still seems an intriguing mystery exactly why people use coffee so intensely, so compulsively. It is well known to be addictive ?yet is there a darker coach handbags, more sinister reason why we tragically need coffee? Could it be because we have lost (without coffee) the ability to reason concisely? Scary thought I venture to say.

Without the nap?in the morning ?afternoon and night, (let get real here), where would we be? Would our artistic communities of writers, musicians and visual artists still perform at their edgy best? Would the world be a different place without the kick-a bean that lodges itself in our cranium conveniently so that the wheels of industry keep turning coach outlet online, the sweat of the labour class keeps pumping - and the rest of us offer profoundly sharp observations to entertain ourselves?

Coffee is, of course, a psychoactive drug. It may not be openly admitted but it has a similar addictive quality to opium ?the seed of the opulent poppy. How paradoxical that in order to think clearly we dope ourselves on caffeine.

Paradoxes abound, of course ?when it comes to addiction ?but that, dear readers, is another tale full of sound and, of course, fury. The question has been raised - is endemic anger the outcome of long years of grinding and ingesting coffee? Clinical studies have shown that doses of 300 milligrams or more in some people increase tension, anxiety and even panic attacks. Without it we can string two thoughts together in the morning. Yet with it we can develop aggressive tendencies that can lead to long-term anxiety. Not a pretty story.

Used with propriety coffee can support the brain in adding acumen and even longevity ?as it stimulates the central nervous system. Yet the cross-over point comes when the body simply CANNOT do without it. When exactly IS that? Is it when wee yelling at our lover first thing in the morning ?before the ritual drink? Or is it when finally we give in to the craving before we head off to bed?Some would think that perfectly normal. It is of course ?but only if exhausted adrenals cannot offer even a weak signal to defend any further self annihilation.

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